What I want to know is how strong are the servers for Ventrilo, the website and the server? Because I know from personal experiences that it's not difficult at all to get the IP of a website, you could quite simply resolve hostname, trace it and if the server is being hosted by someone in a house they could quite possibly DOX them, once the said person that has the IP address could DDoS the server and depending on how many shells the booter has, or how strong the server is it would slow down and eventually crash, does the server have any backup? Does the map regularly save? This should be considers quite quickly.
EDIT: Just for educational purposes I have already found the IP address.
IP: 173.192.?.???
I have blanked out the rest with "?" for obvious reasons.
EDIT: Just for educational purposes I have already found the IP address.
IP: 173.192.?.???
I have blanked out the rest with "?" for obvious reasons.